Rosie is a female 11 year old Australian Cattle Dog/Red Heeler. She is a retired service dog, a retired therapy dog, and a retired training assistant. She enjoys retired life by napping, exploring outside, and playing fetch. Rosie is an FFDT dog.
Luna is a female 4 year old purebred Golden Retriever. She is currently serving as a medical alert and mobility service dog for her person, and also enjoys visits to places as a therapy dog for others. Luna is an FFDT dog.
Charlie aka Barley is a male 3 year old Australian shepherd/Australian Cattle dog mix. He is FFDT's titled AKC Trick Dog, and enjoys doing tricks for people at therapy visits, including his "trick" of loving them! Charlie is an FFDT dog.
Mozzie is a male 2 year old Shetland Sheepdog/Sheltie. His main job as a therapy do is working at Real Connections Counseling LLC in Urbandale, Iowa. He also enjoys therapy dog visits to many other places. Mozzie's handlers are Rick, Monique, and Alyssa.
Bailey is a female bernedoodle puppy who loves to love. She has a calm confidence and brings a lot of joy to others. Bailey's handler is Kristy.
Lily is a 2 year old female large breed mixed dog. She works at a local elementary school with her handler, the principal, George.
Gus-Gus is a male chocolate lab puppy whose main job is working as a reading dog for Little White Schoolhouse in Ankeny, Iowa. He's our largest therapy dog, and enjoys kids and people. Gus-Gus is also a service dog in training for his human. Gus-Gus's handler is Megan.
Rusty is a male mini golden doodle puppy with a knack for loving others. He brings so much joy to his mom, and so much joy to anyone he encounters. Rusty's handler is Jane.
Dutch is a female 2 year old standard bernedoodle. She will eventually be doing therapy work in disaster and emergency services. Dutch's handler is Jessica.
Zylie is an adorable 7 year old female sheltie. Her brother is Mozzie. She works at Real Connections Counseling, LLC and enjoys visiting many other people and businesses. Zylie's handlers are Monique and Alyssa.
Murphy is a sweet male golden doodle puppy. He is just one big teddy bear! He is one of the youngest dogs to pass his Canine Good Citizen with us. Murphy's handler is Julie.
An amazing new team coming soon!
Morty, a 2 year old labradoodle is a fun-loving guy! His trademark is definitely is haircut, where he often has a little man-bun or fluff on the top of his head that is irresistible Morty's handler is Stacy.
Deacon is a young, well-mannered, and fun English bulldog with amazing coloring! Deacon has his own TikTok! Deacon hopes to work with people with TBI's and with veterans. Deacon's handlers are Danae and Michael.
Salvy is a young, sweet, fluffy, English cream golden-doodle who has an innate ability to remain calm, and provide love to all! He impressed us immediately with his abilities, even at a young age! Salvy's full name is Salvador. His handler is Shannon.
Teddy is a male Cockapoo with the sweetest temperament. He amazed FFDT at their first meeting with his ability to love and listen. He is named Teddy because he's like a teddy bear! His handler is Brittany.
Cora is a female lab puppy that is excited to be in training for therapy dog work. Her handler, Joe, is a former school counselor.
Kelly is a female Australian cattle dog, also known as Red Heeler! Kelly is kind and willing to please. She is also training to work specifically with individuals with autism, behavioral challenges, and in the ABA setting. Her handler is Landi.
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